The fields of Computer Graphics, Augmented Reality, Computer Vision and Ubiquitous Computing are synergetic. However, the overlap and interleaving contributions of each area has yet to be expressed and understood. The domain expert, focusing and on excelling in his or her field of research may not see the connections. Our meeting is a fertile ground to connect ideas and therefore seeks a variety of topics revolving around Augmented Reality and Ubiquitous Computing. We welcome presentations on all topics related to AR and Ubicomp including but not limited to: Tracking including sensor fusion and computer vision Mobile Augmented Reality Ubiquitous Augmented Reality Smart Environments User Interface Techniques and Interaction Methods Applications User studies Future Directions for Augmented Reality Research Teaching with and about Augmented Reality The event is organized in a style of an academic conference. Yet we want to emphasize the informal character of WARM: There will be no proceedings or referable publications. Instead we invite you to present new ideas and results in order to gain early feedback and hence improve chances for official publications.