From - Tue Feb 12 14:54:54 2002 Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2002 09:01:52 +0100 From: "Patrick Olivier" (by way of Werner Purgathofer ) Subject: Final CFP: Smart Graphics 2002 >>CALL FOR PAPERS>>CALL FOR PAPERS>>CALL FOR PAPERS>>CALL FOR PAPERS>> >>CALL FOR PAPERS>>CALL FOR PAPERS>>CALL FOR PAPERS>>CALL FOR PAPERS>> >>CALL FOR PAPERS>>CALL FOR PAPERS>>CALL FOR PAPERS>>CALL FOR PAPERS>> 2nd International Symposium on Smart Graphics June 11-13 2002 IBM T.J. Watson Research Center Hawthorne, NY, USA In cooperation with: AAAI, Eurographics, ACM SIGCHI and ACM SIGGRAPH SG2002 welcomes submissions from cognitive scientists, psychologists, graphic designers, and human-computer interaction, computer graphics & artificial intelligence researchers and practitioners. Invited Speakers: Ben Shneiderman (University of Maryland, USA) Jock Mackinlay (Xerox PARC, USA) Advances and breakthroughs in the area of Computer Graphics have made visual media a major ingredient of the modern user interface, and it is likely that graphics will play a dominant role in the way people communicate and interact with computers in the future. Especially the evolution of computing towards more and more pervasive and distributed devices pose new and challenging problems for the effective use of graphics. Intelligent behaviour & graphics will provide the technical core of next generation interfaces. But in order to make those interfaces successful, principles and findings from Cognitive Psychology and Graphics Design are equally important to reflect the user's needs and abilities. Until recently there has been very little overlap between the Cognitive Psychology, Computer Graphics, AI and Graphics Design communities. The Smart Graphics Symposiums intend to close these gaps. Recent advances in Computer Graphics have allowed AI researchers to integrate graphics in their systems (without being burdened by low- level issues such as image rendering) and graphics acceleration hardware has become affordable and is now available for a broad range of platforms. On the other hand, many AI techniques have matured to the point of being usable by non specialists. Furthermore, these very techniques are likely to be the vehicle by which both principles from Graphics Design, and the results of research in cognitive aspects of visual representations will be integrated in next generation graphical interfaces. For a full description of the scope of the Symposium, and details of previous events see the website: Submission Categories: Full papers Short papers Demonstrations Statement of Interest Important Dates: February 18,2002 Submission Deadline March 18,2002 Notification of Acceptance April 1,2002 camera ready copy due June 11-13,2002 Smart Graphics Symposium Organisers: Andreas Butz (Eyeled, Germany) Antonio Krueger (Saarland University, Germany) Patrick Olivier (Lexicle, UK) Stefan Schlechtweg (University of Magdeburg, Germany) Michelle Zhou (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA) Committee: Computer Graphics: Steve Feiner (Columbia, USA) Michael Gleicher (University of Wisconsin, USA) Artificial Intelligence: Elisabeth Andre (University of Augsburg, Germany) James Lester (NCSU, USA) Graphic Design: Bradford Paley (DID Inc.) Cognitive Psychology: Bernice Rogowitz (IBM T.J. Watson) Jiajie Zhang (University of Texas at Houston)