Call for Participation: Interactive Visual Exploration of Electronic Health Records Workshop May 30th, 2008, Friday, 9:00-5:00 The workshop \"Interactive Visual Exploration of Electronic Health Records\", held in conjunction with the 25th Annual Symposium of the Human-Computer Interaction Lab at the University of Maryland. This workshop will bring together medical practiioners and visualization researchers to discuss ongoing efforts to develop visualization tools for physicians, clinical researchers, and medical administrators seeking to improve diagnostic decisions, treatment plan outcomes, and hospital quality assessment. Specific topics include: * Multiple EHR visualization * Exploration of temporal patterns * Single/Multiple EHR summary * Visual query interface * On-field Evaluation To participate, submit a 1-page position paper describing your work and interest in the topic. Submissions will be reviewed and selected based on how well they fit the topic of the workshop. We aim to include about 25 participants. Accepted submissions will be either given a slot to present their work or to simply participate in the workshop. Please forward this announcement to others who may be interested. Important Dates: Submission deadline: March 21, 2008 Acceptance notification: March 28, 2008 Workshop: May 30, 2008 Send your 1-page position paper to David Wang (, using \"Submission to EHRVIZ workshop\" as the title of the email.