Call for Papers ISBI 2013 8–11 April 2013 Westin San Francisco Market Street, San Francisco, California The IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI) is a premier interdisciplinary conference encompassing all scales of imaging in medicine and the life sciences. The 2013 meeting will continue its tradition of fostering knowledge transfer between different imaging communities and contributing to an integrative approach to biomedical imaging across all scales of observation. ISBI is a joint initiative from the IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) and the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS). The 2013 meeting will open with a morning of tutorials, followed by a scientific program of plenary talks, invited special sessions, challenges, as well as oral and poster presentations of peer-reviewed papers. High-quality papers are requested containing original contributions to mathematical, algorithmic and computational aspects of biomedical imaging, from nano- to macro-scale. Topics of interest include image formation and reconstruction, computational and statistical image processing and analysis, dynamic imaging, visualization, image quality assessment, and physical, biological, and statistical modeling. We also encourage papers that elucidate biological processes (including molecular mechanisms) or translational ramification through integration of image-based data. Accepted regular papers will be published in the symposium proceedings and included in IEEE Xplore. To encourage attendance by a broader audience of imaging scientists (in particular from the biology and physics community) and offer additional opportunities for cross-fertilization, ISBI will again propose a second track featuring posters selected from abstract submissions without subsequent archival publication. Important Dates Deadline for submission of 4-page paper or abstracts: October 28, 2012 Notification of acceptance/rejection: January 4, 2013 Submission of final accepted 4-page papers/abstracts: January 28, 2013 Deadline for author registration: January 31, 2013 Deadline for early registration: March 7, 2013 Paper format Papers are limited to 4 pages with an additional fee for up to four extra pages; however, the essential reviewed content must be limited to only four pages. The additional pages can only be used for supplementary figures (overflow figures are not allowed), pseudo code, screen shots, blue prints of instrumentation, and appendices. While reviewers will be asked to comment on the adequacy of the additional material, decisions to accept or reject papers will be based on the content of the main text. In short, authors are responsible to have a clear concise and self-contained manuscript within the allowed 4 pages for evaluation. Each paper should include an (i) abstract, (ii) introduction, (iii) a brief review of the previous research, (iv) approach, and (v) results and discussion. The abstract should have a clear concise summary of items (ii) and (v) for the demanding review process and general readers. The authors must clearly express specific biological or medical questions in their introduction and express their novel contributions either in section (ii) or (iii).