Second Call for Papers IPT/EGVE 2005 Extended Paper Submission Deadline: May 20th, 2005, 23.59 CET Ninth Immersive Projection Technology Workshop together with the Eleventh Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments October 6-7, 2005, Aalborg, Denmark Aims and Scope of the Workshop Combining the two leading virtual environment workshops in Europe in 2005 and having the opportunity to experience the VR Media Lab with its six-sided cave, panorama, power wall and AR/VR lab located at the technology park of Aalborg will result in a spectacular - not to be missed - event for researchers and users of virtual environments technology. Following eight successful Immersive Projection Technology Workshops and ten Eurographics Workshops on Virtual Environments, we invite you to participate in the joint Ninth Immersive Projection Technology Workshop and Eleventh Eurographics Workshop on Virtual Environments. Share your latest, most unique and outstanding work with the community. Present your findings and experiences in evaluating and using all kinds of immersive projection environments. New technical developments in Virtual Environment technology including software systems, interaction devices, and applications are of interest, too. Participate in discussions with developers, end-users, educators, artists, and students on the challenges and requirements for future developments. Present your own prototypes and applications and/or enjoy demonstrations and devices from other groups. Additionally workshops can be held in advance or after the conference days. Please contact us! EU Intuition Workshops on * VR/VE-Technology and * VR in Aerospace will be organized on Wednesday the 7th October. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: * Immersive projection technologies * Output devices, haptics, sound in VEs. * 3D input devices and interaction techniques * Human factors and multimodal input for VEs * VR systems development * Collaborative and distributed VEs * Real-time graphics techniques * Augmented reality * Scientific visualization in VEs * VE applications in industry, marketing, entertainment, architecture and art Paper Submission Full Paper Submission Deadline: May 20th, 2005, 23.59 CET Notification of Acceptance: June 30th, 2005 Camera Ready Submission Deadline: July 15th, 2005 Papers must be prepared as PostScript or PDF file according to the Eurographics Submission Instructions ( see ). Publishing as Eurographics Proceedings is planned. The submission and review process is processed electronically. Please follow this link to submit your paper: If you have problems with the submission, or have further questions, please contact Conference Chairs: - Roland Blach, CC Virtual Environments, Fraunhofer IAO, Stuttgart, Germany - Erik Kjems, VR Media-Lab, University of Aalborg, Aalborg, Denmark -- Roland Blach - CC Virtual Environments Fraunhofer IAO/IAT University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany phone: ++49 (0)711 970 2153 -- Susanne Løøw Centre Secretary VR Media Lab Aalborg University Niels Jernes Vej 14 DK-9220 Aalborg Ø DENMARK Phone: +45 9635 8792 Fax: +45 9815 2444 Email: