From - Wed Feb 12 09:50:32 2003 Date: Thu, 12 Dec 2002 07:11:37 +0100 From: "Kunz, Andreas" Call for Papers Welcome to the Joint IPT/EGVE '03 Workshop Seventh Immersive Projection Technology Workshop together with the Ninth Eurographics Workshop on Virtual Environments In Cooperation with ACM Siggraph May 22-23, 2003, Zurich, Switzerland Aims and Scope of the Workshop Joining the two leading virtual environment workshops in Europe in 2003 together with the opening of the highly immersive tele-collaboration system "blue-c" will result in a spectacular - not to be missed - event for researchers and users of virtual environments technology. Following six successful Immersive Projection Technology Workshops and eight Eurographics Workshops on Virtual Environments, we invite you to participate in the joint Seventh Immersive Projection Technology Workshop and Ninth Eurographics Workshop on Virtual Environments. We invite you to share your newest, most unique and outstanding work with the community. Present your findings and experiences in evaluating and using all kinds of immersive projection environments as well as new technical developments in Virtual Environment technology including software systems, interaction devices and applications. Participate in discussions with developers, end-users, educators, artists, and students on challenges and requirements for future developments. You are invited to present your own prototypes and applications on provided hardware platforms (CAVE, Walls, Responsive Workbench) and enjoy new and unique demonstrations and devices from other groups. Topics of interest include but are not limited to - Immersive projection technologies - Output devices, haptics, sound in VE. - 3D input devices and interaction techniques - Human factors and multimodal input for VE - VR systems development - Collaborative and distributed VE - Real-time graphics techniques - Augmented reality - Scientific visualization in VE - VE applications in industry, marketing, entertainment, architecture and art Paper Submission Extended Abstract/Panel Submission Deadline: January 15, 2003 Notification of Acceptance: February 15, 2003 Full Paper/Panel Submission Deadline: March 8, 2003 Authors are requested to prepare their contribution as an extended abstract (minimum 2 pages) or as a full paper (maximum 8 pages). Papers must be prepared as PostScript or PDF file according to the Eurographics Submission Instructions (see It is planned to publish the proceedings at ACM Press. For paper submission follow the link on Workshop co-chairs: - Andreas Kunz, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Switzerland - Joachim Deisinger, Fraunhofer IAO Stuttgart, Germany IPT-Liaison (Program co-chairs): - Carolina Cruz-Neira; VRAC, Iowa State University, USA - Oliver Riedel, SGI, Germany Program Committee The submissions to the workshop will be reviewed by the following program committee: - Mark Billinghurst, Human Interface Technology Laboratory, University of Washington, USA - Roland Blach, Fraunhofer IAO, Stuttgart, Germany - Mattias Bues, Fraunhofer IAO, Stuttgart, Germany - Doug A. Bowman, Dept. of Computer Science, Virginia Tech., USA - Sabine Coquillart, INRIA, France=20 - Markus Gross, ETH Zurich, Switzerland - Thomas Ertl, Visualization and Interactive Systems Group, University Stuttgart, Germany - Martin Goebel, Fraunhofer IMK, Germany - HeeDong Ko, Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Korea - Ulrich Lang, High Performance Computing Center, University of Stuttgart, Germany - Jason Leigh EVL, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA - Dirk Reiners, OpenSG, Fraunhofer IGD - Lawrence J. Rosenblum, Virtual Reality Systems and Research, Naval Research Laboratory, USA - Dieter Schmalstieg, Vienna University of Technology, Austria - Christian Spagno, ICVR, ETH Z=FCrich, Switzerland - Daniel Thalmann, EPFL, Computer Graphics Lab, Switzerland - Robert van Liere, Center of Mathematics and Computer Science, Netherlands - Michael Zyda, Naval Postgraduate School, USA - Peter Zimmermann, Volkswagen AG, Germany - Wolfgang St=FCrzlinger, York University, Canada - Oliver Bimber, Bauhaus University Weimar, Germany - Bernd Fr=F6hlich, Bauhaus University Weimar, Germany - Mark Mine, Walt Disney Imagineering Research & Development, USA - Pere Brunet, Technical University of Catalonia, Spain - Allen Bierbaum, Iowa State University, USA - Heinrich M=FCller, University Dortmund, Germany - Stefan M=FCller; Universtity of Koblenz-Landau, Germany Dr. Andreas Kunz Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich Center for Product Development ICVR - Innovation Center Virtual Reality Tannenstrasse 3 8092 Z=FCrich Tel. +41-1-6325771 FAX +41-1-6321181 Mail