E G P G V 2015 Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization 25 - 26 May, Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy *** EGPGV 2015 - Call for Papers *** Welcome to the 15th EGPGV, the Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization. The event will take place on May 25 - 26 in Cagliari, island of Sardinia, Italy. The Symposium will be held in conjunction with EuroVis 2015. *** NOTE: there are two tracks for this year’s symposium, full papers and visualization showcase short papers *** The importance of parallel computing is increasing rapidly with the ubiquitous availability of multi-core CPUs, GPUs, and cluster systems. Computationally demanding and data-intensive applications in graphics and visualization are strongly affected by this trend and require novel efficient parallel solutions. The aim of this symposium is to foster the exchange of experiences and knowledge exploiting and defining new trends in parallel graphics and visualization. The proceedings of the EGPGV Symposium will be published in the Eurographics Proceedings Series and in the Eurographics Digital Library. Focusing on parallel computing, the symposium seeks papers on graphics and visualization techniques, data structures, algorithms, and systems for: * large-data * clusters * (multi-)GPU computing, and heterogeneous, hybrid architectures * out-of-core * hybrid distributed and shared memory architectures * grid and cloud environments In particular the symposium topics include: * computationally and data intensive rendering * scientific visualization (volume rendering, flow and tensor visualization) * information visualization and visual analytics * simulations for virtual environments (physics-based animation, collision detection, acoustic) * mesh processing, level-of-detail, and geometric methods * visual computing (image- and video-based rendering, image processing and exploitation, segmentation) * scheduling, memory management and data coherence * large and high resolution displays, virtual environments * scientific, engineering, and industrial applications Full papers are expected to be eight to ten (8-10) pages in length, with the final length appropriate to the contribution of the paper. Papers should be submitted using the Eurographics Conference style (https://srmv2.eg.org/COMFy/Conference/PGV_2015/GetConferenceFile?fileID=6146). Please use this linked version, which contains the correct details for EGPGV. The expected schedule is as follows: * Full Paper Due: February 13, 2014 * Author Notification: March 27, 2014 * Camera-Ready Paper Due: April 8, 2014 The best paper will be invited to submit an extended version to IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG). Scientific Visualization Showcase This year we present a new track for EGPGV 2015, which provides a forum for the year\'s most instrumental movies in parallel graphics and visualization. Finalists will compete for the Best Visualization Award, and each finalist will present his or her movie during a dedicated session at EGPGV ’15 in a 10-minute presentation. Movies are judged based on how their movie illuminates science, by the quality of the movie, and for innovations in the process used for creating the movie. The accepted submissions will appear as short papers in the symposium proceedings. Review and selection process: Submission should include “Visualization Showcase:” at the beginning of the paper title. Submissions needed to include a movie (up to 150MB in size) and a short paper (up to 4 pages including references). The short paper should describe the scientific story conveyed by the movie, how the visualization helps scientific discovery, and the \"state-of-the-practice\" information behind making the movie. The short paper should be submitted using the Eurographics Conference style (https://srmv2.eg.org/COMFy/Conference/PGV_2015/GetConferenceFile?fileID=6146). Please use this linked version, which contains the correct details for EGPGV. Each submission will be peer reviewed by the EGPGV Paper Chairs. Criteria for revision include: 1. Compelling visualization 2. Visualizing data involving parallel graphics and/or visualization in a significant way (e.g., data size, parallel processing, parallel rendering) 3. Meaningful and compelling science story 4. Description of visualization techniques necessary to accomplish the movie The expected schedule is as follows: * Showcase Submission Due: February 28, 2014 * Author Notification: March 27, 2014 * Camera-Ready Paper Due: April 8, 2014