--------------- CALL FOR PAPERS --------------- WORKSHOP ON DYNAMIC 3D IMAGING IN CONJUNCTION WITH Symp. of the German Association for Pattern Recognition, DAGM September 08th, 2009, Jena, Germany GENERAL INFORMATION http://www.multi-sensorics.de/dyn3d SCOPE 3D imaging sensors have been investigated for several decades. In recent years, improvements on classical approaches such as stereo vision and structured light on the one hand, and novel ToF-techniques on the other hand have emerged, leading to 3D vision systems with radically improved characteristics. Presently, these techniques make full-range 3D data available at interactive frame rates, and thus open the path towards a much broader application of 3D vision systems. The workshop focuses on sensor systems, data processing approaches and systems incorporating interactive, full-range 3D sensors in specific application areas. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: * Development of full-range 3D sensors or sensor systems, including - active and passive 3D imaging systems - sensor simulation * Multi sensor fusion incorporating full-range 3D sensors * Data processing for dynamic full-range 3D-data, including - calibration techniques - sensor based image synthesis - 3D object recognition and tracking - 3D optical flow * Applications using interactive, full-range 3D sensors, e.g. in areas like - autonomous robotics - medicine and health care - industrial automation - surveillance - human-machine interaction - automotive Noval results of theoretical and practical significance based on interactive 3D vision will be considered. INSTRUCTION FOR AUTHORS Contributions to the workshop should not exceed 14 pages. Please format your article according to the Springer style guide for Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) see http://www.springer.de/lncs or the workshop website. All submissions will be peer-reviewed by independent reviewers. Accepted papers will be presented orally. All authors will be notified about the acceptance or rejection of their paper after the reviewing process. IMPORTANT DATES Submission of full papers: April 09th, 2009 Notification of acceptance: May 29th, 2009 Camera ready due: June 19th, 2009 Workshop: September 08th, 2009 ORGANIZING COMMITTEE and CONTACT * Reinhard Koch (Chairman), U Kiel, Germany * Andreas Kolb (Paper Chair), U Siegen, Germany * Erhardt Barth, U Luebeck, Germany * Rasmus Larsen, TU of Denmark, Kopenhagen, Denmark PROGRAM COMMITTEE * James Davis, U California, Santa Cruz, USA * Joachim Denzler, U Jena, Germany * Bjarne Ersboell, TU of Denmark, Kopenhagen, Denmark * Jan-Michael Frahm, U North Carolina, USA * Günther Greiner, U Erlangen, Germany * Joachim Hornegger, U Erlangen, Germany * Gaetan Koers, Melexis, Belgium * Jörg Krüger, TU Berlin, Germany * Klaus-Dieter Kuhnert, U Siegen, Germany * Otmar Loffeld, U Siegen, Germany * Bernd Jähne, U Heidelberg, Germany * Marcus Magnor, TU Braunschweig, Germany * Roberto Manduchi, U California, Santa Cruz, USA * Thomas Moeslund, U Aalborg, Denmark * Thierry Oggier, Mesa Imaging, Switzerland * Abbas Rafii, Canesta, USA * Thorsten Ringbeck, PMD Technologies, Germany * Sudipta Sinha, U North Carolina, USA * Wolfgang Straßer, U Tübingen, Germany * Zengqui Sun, Tsinghua U Beijing, China * Christian Theobalt, U Stanford, USA * Carlo Tomasi, Duke University, USA * Peter Xu, Massey U, New Zealand * Giora Yahav 3DV Systems, Israel INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS Contributions to the workshop should not exceed 8 pages. Please format your article according to the Springer style guide for Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) see http://www.springer.de/lncs or the workshop website. All submissions will be peer-reviewed by independent reviewers. Accepted papers will be presented orally. All authors will be notified about the acceptance or rejection of their paper after the reviewing process. LOCATION AND REGISTRATION The workshop will take place in conjunction with the Symp. of the German Association for Pattern Recognition (DAGM) 2009 in Jena. Registration information for the DAGM Symp. and this workshop can be found under: http://dagm2009.org Further information can be found on the workshop website: http://www.multi-sensorics.de/dyn3d. PARTNERS In cooperation with: * German Association for Pattern Recognition (DAGM) * Eurographics * ZESS, Center for Sensor Systems, Siegen Sponsored by: pending; candidates are * PMD Technologies, Germany * Mesa Imaging, Switzerland