************************************************************ * * * SIAM Conference on Geometric Design and Computing * * Phoenix, Arizona * * October 31 - November 3, 2005 * * (Short Courses: October 30) * * * ************************************************************ The ninth SIAM Conference on Geometric Design and Computing will be held in Phoenix, AZ, October 30 - November 3, 2005. The conference is a biennial event that has gone under several names (Geometric Modeling and Robotics, Applied Geometry, Geometric Design, etc.) since its inception in 1983. The conference website is http://www.siam.org/meetings/GD05. To see the websites for some of the recent conferences in this series, please go to http://www.siam.org/meetings/ARCHIVES/Index.htm#GD. The purpose of the conference is to bring together researchers from academia, industry, and government to discuss the mathematical and computational problems associated with the application of geometry to current problems of design, manufacturing, and the representation and analysis of physical phenomena. The conference will be of interest to computer scientists, engineers, and mathematicians from academia, government, and industry, as well as anyone interested in applying computational and mathematical methods to problems and applications of a geometrical nature, such as applications in medicine, biology, architecture, art, and other areas. At this time you are invited to contribute a lecture or a poster at the conference. You may also want to consider organizing a minisymposium on a topic of current interest. Below are some highlights of the conference, which include important deadlines. Invited Plenary Speakers 1) Rick Beatson, University of Canterbury, New Zealand - RBF interpolation to function, derivative and integral data 2) Siu-Wing Cheng, Hong Kong Univ. of Science and Technology - Volume and surface meshing 3) Michael Floater, Univ. of Oslo, Norway - Curve and surface parameterization 4) Cindy Grimm, Washington Univ. - Surface modeling and parameterization using manifolds 5) Hugues Hoppe, Microsoft Research - Geometry clipmaps for terrain rendering and synthesis 6) Tom Peters, Univ. of Connecticut - Computational Topology and CAGD Approximation 7) Ulrich Reif, Univ. Darmstadt, Germany 8) Jonathan Shewchuk, Berkeley 9) Jeff Stevens, General Motors Deadlines May 2, 2005 - submission of minisymposium proposals May 2, 2005 - submission of abstracts of contributed and minisymposium talks July 2005 - acceptance notification Organizing Committee 1) George Allen (UGS) 2) Charles Chui (Univ. Missouri - St. Louis) 3) Tamal Dey (Ohio State Univ.) 4) Tor Dokken (SINTEF) 5) Gerald Farin (Arizona State Univ.) 6) David Field (General Motors Co.), CO-CHAIR 7) Dan Gonsor (The Boeing Co.) 8) Leif Kobbelt (RWTH Aachen Univ.), 9) Charles Loop (Microsoft Research) 10) Tom Lyche (Univ. of Oslo) 11) Mike Neamtu (Vanderbilt Univ.), CO-CHAIR 12) Jorg Peters (Univ. of Florida, Gainesville) 13) Konrad Polthier (Technical Univ. of Berlin) 14) Helmut Pottmann (Technical University of Vienna), 15) Alla Sheffer (Univ. of British Columbia) 16) Daniel Zwick (Wilcox Associates, Inc.) Additional Activities Two Short Courses will be held a day before the conference. A workshop organized by Gerald Farin is also in a planning stage. Conference Proceedings The organizers plan to edit a refereed proceedings after the conference. We are currently negotiating the details with possible publishers. Conference Themes Algebraic and Differential Geometry Computational Geometry Computational Topology Computer-aided Design and Manufacturing Computer Vision and Image-based Modeling Computer Graphics and Visualization Curve and Surface Design Kinematics and Robotics Mesh Generation and Processing Multi-resolution Methods Reverse Engineering Scattered Data Modeling and Splines Applications in Engineering, Medicine, Biology, Architecture, Art, and other Areas