Call for Papers Motion and Tracking / Stereo and Structure from Motion / Shape from X / Color and Texture / Segmentation and Grouping / Image-Based Modeling / Illumination and Reflectance Modeling / Sensors / Early and Biologically-Inspired Vision / Computational Photography and Video / Object Recognition / Object Detection and Categorization / Video Analysis and Event Recognition / Face and Gesture Analysis / Statistical Methods and Learning / Performance Evaluation / Medical Image Analysis / Optimization Methods / Applications of Computer Vision Paper Submission All submissions will be handled electronically via the conference website Review is double-blind. In submitting a manuscript to ACCV, authors guarantee that the manuscript has not been previously (or during the review period) published or accepted for publication in a substantially similar form And papers will be accepted only by electronic submission through the conference web site ( Tutorials, Workshops , Demos and Special session - In addition to the main technical program, the conference will include workshops, short courses and demonstrations. Submit proposals to the appropriate chairs. - Main technical program : - Tutorials : - Workshops : - Demos : - Special session :