SPRING CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER GRAPHICS 2010 CALL FOR PAPERS http://www.sccg.sk ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ DEADLINE: February 28, 2010 Venue: May 13-15, 2010, Budmerice, Slovakia ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !!************************************!! Post conference proceedings SCCG 2010 is to be published by ACM Publishing House. !!************************************!! The Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia, Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava, Slovakia, and The Slovak Society for Computer Science organize the SPRING CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER GRAPHICS 2010 General sponsor: Hewlett-Packard Slovakia ******** Conference chairmen: Prof. Dr. Reinhard Klein University of Bonn, Germany Prof. Dr. Helwig Hauser University of Bergen, Norway Invited speakers are: Alfred Inselberg Tel Aviv University, Israel Michael Goesele University of Darmstadt, Germany the third invited speaker to be confirmed ******** CONFERENCE TOPICS The conference attempts to communicate research results in the field of computer graphics and its applications. Possible topics include (but are not limited to): * advanced interaction (haptic, sketch-based interfaces) * advanced lighting (reflections, translucency, scattering) * applications of computer graphics * color in computer graphics * computational photography, image-based computer graphics * computer animation * computer graphics for small/large displays * geometric modeling and advanced concepts * global illumination, photo-realistic computer graphics * graphics hardware and hardware-related techniques (GPU) * illustrative graphics, non-photorealistic techniques * image processing and computer vision * information visualization * parallelization in computer graphics * perceptual aspects of computer graphics * physically based modeling, natural phenomena * real-time rendering * scientific visualization * simulation for computer graphics * theoretical foundations * user interfaces, human-computer interaction * virtual environments / augmented reality / mixed reality * visualization * volume graphics, semi-transparent media The conference is held in the Budmerice Castle (about 90 km near Vienna) on May 13-15, 2010. This event is the oldest regular annual meeting of CG community in Central Europe. The spring conference attempts to cover interesting projects from computer graphics and image processing and their applications. The philosophy of SCCG is to put together top experts with young researchers and to support a good communication channel for East- West exchange of prospective ideas. Young researchers are esp. encouraged to submit their work. The conference language is English. In the case of interest, please, complete the registration form at SCCG homepage. IMPORTANT DATES Paper submission deadline February 28, 2010 Notification of acceptance April 2, 2010 Camera-ready paper and posters due April 18, 20010 Conference May 13, 2010 PAPERS We ask the authors to check the typographical quality (size of fonts, illustrations...) with respect to the formatting guidelines that can be found on SCCG page. The conference proceedings of papers passed through review is to be published before the event by Comenius University and by ACM SIGGRAPH afterwards. There is also a possibility to submit posters or company profiles (reviewed by the organizing committee) to be presented at the conference exhibition and printed in the second part of the proceedings with ISSN 1335-5694. Additional information will be sent to registered participants later. The hot information can be found on SCCG homepage. We are looking forward to your submissions! With the best regards, Andrej Ferko, Reinhard Klein, Helwig Hauser, and Matej Novotny on behalf of the Organizing Committee Address: SCCG 2010, Mlynska dolina, SK-842 48 Bratislava, Slovakia phone and fax: +421 (2) 6542 2263 e-mail: sccg2010@sccg.sk WWW: http://www.sccg.sk