___________________________________________ C a l l f o r P a r t i c i p a t i o n ___________________________________________ -> Registration is open: Early registration deadline is May 21, 2004. -> Program is online Fifth Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization (EGPGV04) In Cooperation with ACM SIGGRAPH June 10-11th, 2004 Grenoble, France http://www-id.imag.fr/EGPGV04 Aims and Scope of the Symposium Following successful previous workshops/symposia that were held in Bristol (UK) 1996, Rennes (F) 1998, Girona (E) 2000, and Blaubeuren 2002 (D), we are happy to announce the 5th Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization. The aim of this workshop is to share experiences and knowledge on parallel and distributed computing and its application to all aspects of computer graphics, virtual reality, scientific and engineering visualization. The EG PGV workshop will follow the Tenth Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments that will take place on June 8-9, 2004 in Grenoble (http://www.inrialpes.fr/egve04). You are cordially invited to attend the EG PGV and register at http://www.inrialpes.fr/egve04/REGISTRATION/registration1.php We have put together an interesting program of invited presentations, scientific papers, and other program items. You can find the program online at http://www-id.imag.fr/EGPGV04/program.php Invited speakers * Takashi Furumura, University of Tokyo * Peter Welch, University of Kent Symposium and Program co-chairs: * Bruno Raffin, Apache/INRIA-ID * Dirk Bartz, WSI/GRIS - VCM, University of T\x{00FC}bingen * Han-Wei Shen, Ohio State University For further questions, please contact: egpgv04@imag.fr